Year 3

Welcome to Year 3’s Class Page.

Below you can find out all of the important information and important key documents for Year 3.

Year 3 Staff;

  1. 2. 3.

1: Miss Potts (Class Teacher)

2: Mrs. Morris (Teacher Assistant)

3: Miss Mulcahy (Teaching Assistant) 


  • Homework: Please see document below about homework expectations for Year 3.
  • PE: PE day is a Thursday, PE kits should stay in school until the end of the half term, when they are sent home to be washed. If for any reason PE kits need to go home during this time, it is important they are brought back as soon as ready for the next PE lesson.
  • Reading: We encourage reading as much as possible, ideally every day. At the minimum please could you make sure that your child has their reading record signed 3x a week. In year 3 we have a reading raffle; for every time the children have read at home their name goes in the raffle and we draw names out every Friday to win prizes.




Reading Spine DOWNLOAD

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