15th April 2020

Hello everyone! I hope you have had a nice time yesterday doing the activities.

As the weather is suppose to be nice today I thought going on a walk would be nice. However, you could make a checklist to find different amounts of natural objects such as 5 green leaves, 3 flowers, 10 stones and so on…then your child can tick what they have found off the checklist.

Whilst you are on your walk you could find a nice spot to sit and do some observational drawings. The children loved doing this in school. You can sit down and draw basically anything, a flower or tree etc.

For phonics today, use the playdough that you made yesterday and write letters in it.

Please ensure that you write in the cursive font as this is what we do in school. Additionally, please ensure you are practising writing your childs name everyday too.

I have also attached an idea for fine motor. Using cardboard cut hands out and simply paint the finger tips using paint or child-friendly nail varnish.

I really hope these ideas are making things easier at home and I hope to see you all as soon as possible!

Miss Smith

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