Year 3 Welcome Back! Spring 2022

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a magical Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!

Below I have attached the Knowledge Organiser for this half term which outlines what your child will be learning over the next few weeks.

I have also attached your child’s homework menu for this half term. As always, we will go through this on the last day of half term and share our work with each other. Feel free to complete the activities on paper, Seesaw or Purple Mash.

Alongside this, please make sure to read as much as you can at home and complete the spellings each week on Spelling Frame. Don’t forget to access TT rockstars too!

Parents/Carers, if you have any questions, worries or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. 🙂

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Jones

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