Where has Baby Bear gone?
This week our favourite teddies from home has been in to visit. Our teddies were so brave and stayed the whole week-they even slept here in our superhero den. However, one morning we discovered that Baby Bear had disappeared and there was a trail of porridge leading outdoors…this could only mean one thing! We had to turn into detectives and investigate what had happened to Baby Bear. It was that much fun Miss Smith forgot to take pictures…oops! We have got some photos to show you of our week though…
We independently created our very own story board anout the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’.
We also designed jails for Golilocks, we phonetically spelt words on signs and made maps to show everyone where Golilocks could be found…
We tasted porridge, made a bar chart based on if we liked it or not and analysed our data; we found out that most of us liked porridge.
We also had our picnic with our teddy. We fed them lots of yummy food in the sunshine whilst we listened to Miss Smith read a story.