Meg and Mog โญ๏ธ

This week some of our learning has been influenced by the story โ€˜Meg and Mogโ€™. Children have been so engaged by the books and the activities that we have been doing.

Children firstly discussed rhyming words and we made our own rhyming strings….we even wrote lots of rhyming words using the phonemes that we have learnt. We then wrote a list of all of Megs friends and created our own potions. We wrote โ€˜spellsโ€™ by writing simple sentences and words.

W have also followed a set of simple instructions to make our very own pumpkin soup from scratch, this enabled us to learn some valuable life skills. We carved and diced the pumpkin and added other ingredients…we thought the soup tasted โ€œdeliciousโ€.

Have a lovely break,

Miss Smith

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