Author Archives: Elaine Hodgkinson

Watercolour painting in Yr6

Today Year 6 have been using different brush stroke techniques to create leaves/foliage. The children demonstrated a good understanding of colour – using various shades of green, brown and ocra. Year 6 really enjoyed the lesson and are looking forward … Continue reading

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Tag Rugby in Year 6

This half term Year 6 have been learning rugby skills.   The children have learned the rules of forward pass and knock on. Year 6 are now passing with more accuracy and really enjoying their games. Thank you for you … Continue reading

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Year 6 reading WONDER

Hello, I’m sure the children have been telling you all about our class reader WONDER, by R. J Palicio. Year 6 are just loving the book. They are learning how to develop their reading skills and answer inference questions. We … Continue reading

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Year 6 Newsletter

Hello, The children have really settled into Year 6 and are enjoying the Year 6 curriculum. Please find attached the Year 6 newsletter, that was sent home on the first week back. Thank you Mrs Hodgkinson

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Bright Sparks Electricity workshop

Hello Today the children have beeen visited by Mrs O’Reilly, from the Stem Centre. She came to deliver a workshop ‘Bright Sparks Electricity’. The children learned about parallel circuits and series circuits. The then went on to build their own … Continue reading

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Pirates of the Curry Bean -Yr6

Hello, The children have been given their lines to learn for our up-coming leavers’ performance, Pirates of the Curry Bean. Thank you for all your support in helping the children learn their parts. The children are enjoying both the music … Continue reading

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Yr 6 Summer Newsletter

Year 6 Summer 2 Newsletter Hi please find attached the YR6 summer 2 newsletter. Thank you Mrs Hodgkinson

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YR6 ‘The Stray’ by Maia Walczak

Welcome back, Yr6 have started to write a story to Maia Walczak’s silent film, ‘The Stray’. The children are really enjoying writing this story from a dog’s perspective. Set in the outskirts of a large Chilean city, with the backdrop … Continue reading

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YR 6 Sporting success

This week Year 6 have been really successful in sport. The girls relay team won first place at Worsley Sports, Well done! The rounders team took part in a tournament with Mrs Barker on Wednesday. All the children played remarkably … Continue reading

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YR 6 SATs week timetable

Dear Parent/Carer Thank you for all your on-going support. Next week, as you are aware, is SATs week. The children can come to school a little earlier if they wish; as we will be providing a breakfast of toast and … Continue reading

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