Author Archives: Elaine Hodgkinson

Well done Year 6 – fundraising

This week Year 6 have been making and selling ‘Valentine Treats’ to raise money for their trip to the Houses of Parliament in March. A massive thank you to all parents who donated sweets and also those who bought the … Continue reading

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Persuasive writing in Year 6

Hello, This week the children have been busy writing and editing their persuasive letters. The children had to imagine that they were ‘Sophie’ -the main character in the Rooftoppers. Their task was to persuade the National Childcare Agency to overturn … Continue reading

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Year 6 enjoying – Rooftoppers

Hello, Year 6 are really enjoying the book Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. We have got as far as the National Childcare Agency wanting to remove the character Sophie from her ‘ward’ Charles. The children have used persuasive language in drama … Continue reading

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Vikings in Year 6

Year 6 Spring 1 newsletter Hello and Happy New Year, This week Year 6 have been creating a timeline to show when the Vikings invaded Britain. The children got into groups: Celts, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and finally the Normans.  The … Continue reading

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Y6 Bikeability Week

Hello, Despite the awful wet weather this week, Y6 have successfully completed their cyclist awareness training. Take a look at how well they have done.

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Year 6 pupil led worship -Courage

Hello, This morning a group of Year 6 pupils led the Friday worship with the Christian value of courage. The children used drama to show how Jesus’ called  Andrew and his brother Peter to follow Him. They were out on … Continue reading

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Aboriginal art YR 6

Hello, Year 6 have been creating aboriginal art using dot painting. This technique is most effective. Take a look – amazing!

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Drama in R.E. – Dilemmas

Hello, Year 6 have been discussing in R.E. what is ‘good and ‘bad’ – ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. The children came up with really interesting scenarios to act out their dilemmas. The children identified the impact of making ‘good’ or ‘bad’ … Continue reading

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Den Buiding at Blackleach Country Park

  Today, despite the bad weather, Year 6 went to Blackleach Country Park to build dens. Fortunately, the day started windy and dry and the children quickly made groups of six and set about building dens. The den had to … Continue reading

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YR 6 Den building – Rain forecast!

Dear Parent/Carer Just a quick reminder that on Friday 12th October we are going Den Building at Blackleach Country Park. The weather forecast is showing a 70% chance of rain, so there is every chance we will get wet! Children … Continue reading

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