What have Nursery been up to this week?
What a busy week! We have been doing so much learning. Here are some photographs to show you what we have been getting up to.
We have been planting tomato and cress seeds, ordering and following instructions to help us to do this.
When asked how they planted the seeds, some of the children said…
“I put lots of soil at the very bottom. We watered the plant pot – both of us. We put it on the windowsill, and we will water it on the windowsill.” Joshua B
“I put some soil in, and I put some seeds in. I watered the plants, and I put some more soil in. Tomatoes are squashy, but I don’t like them!” Sienna
“I growed some tomatoes. I put seeds in the pot. I put water in so they’ll grow.” Ruby
In PE, we have been hopping like bunnies, running so fast that we could fly and learning to balance on one foot.
Outside we have been drawing maps, with chalk. We used ideas from Julia Donaldson’s book, The Ladybird who Heard, to help us.
As part of our People Who Help Us topic, we have had some special visitors in our classroom this week – James, our Caretaker, and Diane, our Cook. They told us all about their jobs and how they help us during our Nursery Day.
We have been exploring different ways that we can make numbers. Jasmine made thnumber 4 with numicon for 3 and 1. She said “Look! They’re the same.”
We surprised Grace on her special birthday by painting balloons to stick up in her office.
Finally, we have been practising using scissors to cut. We designed our own paper plate hairstyles. We thought some of them were quite funny!
Next week, we will be reading lots of different Julia Donaldson books, and choosing which one is our favourite. Also we will be practising using the vocabulary ‘biggest’ and ‘smallest’ through the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Then we will be counting using money, using ICT toys to navigate around floor maps, and lastly we will be making our own scented play dough, ready to do a dough disco!