
Welcome to the website of

St. Andrew’s Methodist Primary School.

It is an extremely challenging task to sum up all that is special about our school in one short welcome message. I feel extremely privileged to be a member of a school community where all staff and governors constantly endeavour to ensure that the children feel valued and special whilst receiving the best possible care and support at all times.
We have a true commitment to creating and maintaining effective partnerships with parents and carers and always aim to have a welcoming, family atmosphere.
Being a faith school has helped to shape our distinctive ethos and it is a pleasure to work alongside members of the community and Walkden Methodist Church who help us to embrace and promote Christian values in a gentle, sincere and enjoyable way. We are extremely proud of the children.
Our children have a big heart and an open mind. They are naturally friendly and with a warm smile they welcome everyone into the family we call St. Andrew’s Methodist.

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