Hello 🙂 Did you remember to clap last night?
I thought that this would be an engaging maths activity. Show children a number and they have to use their fingers to finger paint the corresponding amount for a caterpillar.
Making a bug house…this can be as adventurous as you want it to be. You could simply encourage your child to glue and stick an empty box like the one above or go all out and make one out of rocks and logs. If you go on Pinterest, you can find lots of ideas on how to make one on there.
Metal Mike…this is a phonics game that we do in school. Decorate a box like the one above and children have to use a robot voice to read and then feed words to Metal Mike…the children love this game!
Hand print lady birds…a very simple activity and you can even base it around numbers. Children have to paint the same amount of spots to numbers you show.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Miss Smith