We expect all our children to wear school uniform, which consists of:
- Navy-blue Sweatshirt or Sweatcardi
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Grey school trousers (short or long)
- White polo T. shirt
- White, grey or navy socks or tights
- Sensible black shoes (NO TRAINERS ARE ALLOWED)
- Blue checked or striped dresses
Navy Shorts, School logo T Shirt and black pumps are required for all children (except nursery) for INDOOR P.E. These should be kept in school on the child’s peg in a drawstring PE bag. Navy jogging bottoms are also required for outdoor PE. Trainers are only allowed for OUTDOOR PE lessons. Children are not permitted to wear trainers at lunchtimes.
Only School Book Bags are allowed, no rucksacks.
All our uniform can be purchased online at Brigade.uk.com
As an eco-friendly school, we are happy for pupils to wear ‘pre-loved’ or recycled uniforms. We have a FREE uniform shop in the school foyer containing items of pre-loved and laundered donated uniform. Parents/carers are invited to help themselves to items with no charge being made. Please see uniform policy for further details.