Global Learning
Global learning means learning about the wider world. Our vision, ‘Striving for excellence- together as one with God,’ means that we are concerned, not only with our school and local community, but with national and global issues too.
Pupils learn about global and development issues through recognising the importance of linking people’s lives throughout the world. They explore how issues affect the individual, the local community, the nation, and the world community. Pupils are taught to recognise the impact they can have in addressing social issues and challenging injustice in the world.
We donated our old uniforms to the Goal for the Gambia charity. The children of the Kitty School were delighted with their new school uniform when it arrived in January 2020!
In July 2019 we achieved the Christian Aid Global Neighbours Bronze Award!
Key Concepts
- Poverty
- Social Justice and fairness
- Inequality
- Interdependence and globalisation
- Sustainable development
Through our broad and rich curriculum pupils explore the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Following awareness raising work in worship around the SDGs our children voted to focus on the following areas for 2019-202
- Life Below Water
- Clean Water and Sanitation
- Quality Education
Watch this space, and our Twitter account, for updates and photographs of our social action projects.
God’s Workmanship
One of the ways we try to live out the school’s Christian vision is by engaging in social action and being courageous advocates for change in our local, national and global communities. We are registered with;
Christian Aid ‘Global Neighbours’ scheme (submitted evidence for Bronze award)
British Council ‘Connecting Classrooms’ scheme (in cluster with 9 other local schools)
Refugee Week June 2019
We were privileged to hear from two young people from All Hallows High School who are refugees after seeking asylum in Britain as young children. Binham and Sabrina spoke poignantly in our worship about the struggles of refugees both before and after they arrive in Britain. Following the worship our children thought about what action they could take to help and support asylum seekers and refugees. At the end of our worship we prayed for all people who are in dangerous situations across the world and for those seeking asylum and safety for their families.
Goal for The Gambia
We support a school in a small village in The Gambia. This summer we will donating lots of items of unwanted uniform for their pupils. We will also be sharing some of our art resources with them so they can make their classrooms as bright and colourful as ours!