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Mission Statement

St. Andrew’s is a Methodist Controlled Primary School.

All we do at St Andrew’s is driven by our Christian vision,

‘Striving for excellence, together as one with God.’

The vision is based on Corinthians chapter 12.

‘Truly, God put the parts in the body as he wanted them. He made a place for each one of them. And so there are many parts, but only one body. All of you together are the body of Christ.’

We provide an excellent education in a Christian context from a firm Christian base. Although our roots lie in Methodism we welcome children of different religions and cultural backgrounds. We are committed to the highest achievement possible for the children in our charge and in working with children we welcome the partnership with parents and the local authority and involvement in the local community.

We aim to teach, support and encourage each other recognising and developing the gifts God has given us all.

The School’s curriculum will be planned, delivered and evaluated in the light of the best provision we can make for our children preparing them for the opportunities, experiences and responsibilities of life.