Year 4 Homework Menu for Autumn 1

Year 4 Homework Menu for Autumn 1

In Year 4, we encourage daily reading, recorded in the children’s Reading Diaries.

On a Thursday, we will send home a spelling list to learn at home in preparation for a test on the Wednesday. These spellings will be taught every day at school to support this. ‘Spellingframe’ is an excellent website to support this, using lots of fun games. The children have been sent home their password for this.

On a Thursday, we will let you know what the times table focus is for the coming week. Please practice these with your child throughout the week. This is in preparation for a timed test on the following Wednesday. The website ‘Times Table Rockstars’ is a great resource for doing this. The children again have been sent home their password.

If your child loses their password, please let us know and we will replace it.

Other resources that may help with the above learning are:

In addition, we have created a Homework Menu for your child to choose from. These homework items link to the other areas of our curriculum. The children can send this homework to us via SeeSaw.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Mrs Fortune and Mrs Hall
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