Upcoming Trip to Smithills Farm

Upcoming Trip to Smithills Farm

The Nursery and Reception children (Parents and Staff!) are very excited about our trip next week. On Tuesday 3rd July, we are going to Smithills Farm to learn all about farm animals, what baby animals are called and where each different animal lives e.g. a pig in a sty.

We have lots of activities planned:

  • Tractor rides
  • Donkey rides (Helmets provided)
  • Feeding the animals
  • Watching the cows being milked
  • Touching various farm animals in Pets CornerĀ 


Information for Parents and Carers:

The children do not need to wear school uniform and can wear their own clothes. Can Parents/Carers please ensure that these clothes are suitable for the farm e.g. comfortable footwear. Please ensure suncream is applied before school and all children bring a coat so that we are ready for all weathers.

The children will need to bring a packed lunch in a carrier bag, rather than a lunchbox, so that we can throw it away after it has been eaten.

We are aiming to leave school at 9.15am so please can all children and grown ups please arrive slightly earlier than normal, at 8.45am. We aim to be back for the normal school finishing time, when all children will be dismissed through the Nursery door.

We are very much looking forward to a fun filled day together – Photographs of the day will be uploaded next week – Watch this space!

old macdonald

The link below is for the Old MacDonald song, which Nursery have been learning. Click on it to take the opportunity to enjoy it with your child at home.


Mrs Fortune, Mrs Hall and Miss Smith


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