Bedtime Story Day In Nursery

Bedtime Story Day In Nursery

Who is that hiding under the parachute…?


It’s Nursery recreating nighttime for our bedtime story day! In the dark, under the parachute, we read Margaret Wise Brown’s book ‘Goodnight Moon’ – a story about a rabbit who says goodnight to everything in her bedroom before she goes to sleep.


We have been wearing our pyjamas, cuddling our favourite teddy bear from home, and have snuggled up to read some bedtime stories.




To fit with our bedtime theme, we read a class story whilst drinking hot chocolate, and created nighttime bookmarks for us to use when we are reading at home. We also made our own moon pictures, using paint, balls of foil to create the craters on the moon, and cotton swabs to dot on small stars.



In Nursery, we have a class ‘library’ every Friday for children to take books home to read.

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